Thursday, October 18, 2012

No Stopping Now...

<p>The whirlwind of FO's has slowed some, but not stopped just yet. Remember how I left my knitting at my desk on Monday night? Well I finished the hat I'd been working on and started a chunky braidy headband with half a skein of Mal in Pagoda. I had every intention of finishing the headband in no time at all as soon as I got home. Unfortunately, it too wanted to have a sleepover with my pen cup so the headband (and my Kindle, which caused much swearing) so it stayed behind last night. Which made me want to cry. But it was okay. </p>
<p>Usually Tuesday is my night to myself, but Boyfriend stayed home Tuesday and was instead absent last night because of an open house at his school. So I had my mac and cheese and settled down on the couch with some tv and two skeins of Swoon Fibers Lustre that I bought at the fiber fest to make a stripey chevron cowl. I poked around at a few patterns to see how most people did their increases at the top of the chevron, and tried one way. A few rows in I decided that I couldn't take how sloppy it looked, so I switched to raised increases and it looks much better now. There's still a few of the messy rows at the bottom but I'll tighten up those stitches with a pin and no one will be the wiser. The yarn is dreamy to work with; I don't even mind the thick\thin variations which usually drive me batty because it's so lovely. I'll have to post a photo once I get it blocked.</p>
<p>Otherwise nothing much is new. I'm not feeling my best, but not my worst either. I definitely picked up some kind of cold in Maryland. Ugh. But this weekend is looking fairly relaxing, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm hosting a KA swap tomorrow night with KYS on Rav, Saturday is nothing as far as I know, so maybe Boyfriend and I can go catch an early showing of Pitch Perfect, and Sunday is the baby shower, but since I'm not hosting, no stress for me! Hooooray. =)</p>
Hopefully tonight I can get all my FO's washed and/or blocked tonight so I can sew on tags and labels this weekend. And I'll try and finish the chevron cowl. These seem like reasonable goals. Although I have been summoned to dinner with my parents tonight, so that may throw a wrench in it. Sigh.

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