About Me

My mother taught me to knit when I was 15 years old. A few months later, after repeated unsuccessful attempts to teach myself to crochet I sought the help of the AC Moore lady who drilled me in chaining and double crochets until I could granny square with the best of them.

I made a lot of stuff. Like, a lot of stuff. By the time I got to college, my mother suggested that I try and offload it on other people sell it to other people for their benefit and mine. And thus, Yarn Monkey Productions came into being. Everything has spiraled upwards & outwards from there. With the loving support of Boyfriend & kitty Bosco, my once vague and totally unrealistic dreams of making a living doing what I love actually seem doable. Crazy, but true.

Okay, so in Bosco's case it's not so much loving support but eye-popping terror where yarn is concerned. Same thing in cat, right?

In the meantime, I live in an apartment in Bergen County, NJ, a few miles from the house I grew up in. A few miles from that is the local recreation department where I work. I get awesome coffee from the same kosher coffe shop every morning. I sometimes knit under my desk. I read a lot of fantasy novels. I cuddle with Boyfriend. I swear when one of Boyfriend's big Dungeons & Dragons books falls on me. I knit a lot. That's pretty much life.