Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Waiter, Another Weekend Please

Still completely zonked. It's sad. I spent yesterday morning trying to get the online shoo back up but it was definitely a trial. There's still a ton of new stuff to add in, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it yesterday. I did get some work done on TeddyLion: he now has a neck and arm holes. And Tina's cowl and my first Ainara glove got finished at the fest. The second glove is probably a third done. And I cast on my sister's Christmasy cowl.  So pretty productive. But the end result is that I'm still pooped. I didn't get to make my pies either, though hopefully I'll get to put those together this evening.

I also went to the chiropractor for the first time ever. I'm pretty sure it'll be the last too. I was super sore all day yesterday and I feel the same as I did before I went to see him today. So that's it for that, methinks. Stupid Groupon.

I know this isn't the happy festival recap update I promised. It will come, probably this evening or tomorrow. I'm just in a cranky mood today and I want to be able to put some joy into it. Part of the crankiness comes from being tired and this being pseudo-Monday, and part from some irritating friends who were gungho about a little road trip planned months ago for this coming weekend but who are now ignoring my messages and dodging my calls. And part is from a little self-loathing. I really really need to get a better grip om both my finances and my diet. I sound like a broken record, even to myself, I just can't figure out how to make a change that will stick. With finances I just really need to cut down on my spending because particularly after this weekend's minispree. No more eating out or getting delivery, no more etsy purchases except for Christmas gifts, less swapping to cut down on postage.... that's easy enough. And it does play right into the diet thing. I need to get to the gym at least three times a week and stop eating irresponsibly. These are things I've said and started and tried and failed at a dozen times in the past few months. This time it just needs to stick. Needs to. I need to conquer this desire to do nothing but sit around and knit and nap and eat. Pure willpower. That's what needs to happen. Hopefully writing about it will help, and maybe I'll start up on Weight Watchers again. We'll see. But for now... pure willpower. =]

Now if only I weren't so tired...

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