Thursday, October 4, 2012


Given my long, sordid, and oftentimes ooky medical history, you'd think that a little blood draw would be nothing to me. But as the lucky genetic recipient of my grandfather's deep-set blood vessels, it's something I avoid if at all possible. No one has ever, ever gotten in on a first try: the number is usually more like four or five when all is said and done. Even talented and experienced flebotamists are stymied by my arms. And while I have no real fear of needles, my body freaks out every time they sit me down with the intention of sticking me with one. I've always had extremely acute physical reactions to stress; regardless of how zen or unstressed my mind might be, tears, panic attacks, spikes in blood pressure, and fainting are all possibilities in Angelaland. I don't even get upset, my body just goes haywire. I've even developed an allergy about stress: prolonged periods of stress will cause me to start breaking out into hives.

So, needless to say, my two-hour sojourn to the doctor yesterday was not pleasant. I remain anemic and exhausted and have a giant "bruise" in the crook of my elbow that still hurts, but hopefully this is almost at an end. Boyfriend was sympathetic last night and took me to our local bbq place. A full rack of ribs, veggies, coleslaw, and soda for less than $30. Can't argue with that. Especially when it's followed by Dairy Queen. I then finished tagging and labeling everything for this weekend and relaxed with the Azapa cowl before passing out.

I feel ready for the fiber fest. Mostly. The bulk of the anxiety is gone, now I'm just ready for it to start. Today is mandatory relaxation day. I have an appointment with my wonderful eyebrow lady and then to get my hair chopped off. If they have time I'm going to splurge for a mani-pedi too. If not, I'll just paint my toesies when I get home. Then it's catch up on tv and work on cowl/teddy lion time, and early to bed. That's the plan, anyways. This all assumes that I survive this day in the office.  Everyone seems to have lost their mind. Something is afoot, but I don't know what and if I don't need to find out that's a-okay. I'm just going to keep my head down and try not to take an anemia-induced nap. =)

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