Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 1 of NJFAF: Complete

Stupendous day today! I had such fun and met so many excellent people! It's just so much fun, not to mention relaxing, to be around so many people who GET my fiber obsession and yet who are different enough from myself and each other that lively and engaging conversations are to be had everywhere. From the tiny little boy with the shock of blonde hair and blue eyes that came right up to me and said, "This is a LOT of YARN!" to the elderly woman with the walker & dual hearing aides who, in between lamenting that she didn't do more knitting, writing, and reading when she could still see well enough was raving about her Nook and excited about cowls, everyone was awesome! I mean that truly; I do a lot of craft shows and most of the time attendees are politely disinterested at best. And I understand that a lot of that probably comes from the nature of what I sell. If you don't know anything about fiber arts, the yarn & roving is fun to touch at best and utterly baffling to most. And since everything I make isn't made of Red Heart Super Saver (no offense intended, it definitely has its place) and I can't sell scarves for $5, everyone who's just looking for a cheap Christmas gift for dad walks away too. And at your average show, that's 95% of people who come by. It's not their fault, and I've learned to pick and choose my shows carefully in recent years to minimize the perplexed looks. But this... This crowd, the attendees, the fellow vendors, the coordinators... It's only the end of Day 1 and I've already had a stupendous time. I'm SO PSYCHED for tomorrow.

I did manage to keep my spending under control (mostly) today. My neighbors have tried to sell me another spindle, but I'm going to try and gracefully give it back tomorrow as $50 on yet another spindle is really not in the budget. Especially when there's YAK to be had. I mean, come on. Srsly.

I'll try and post pictures on Monday, mayhaps. I'm really tired and tomorrow is another longish day, so I should get my little buttski to bed. I also need to give my darling Bosco some attention, as he's feeling miffed at being left alone all day. He's scared of yarn, so he just doesn't get it. He's super cute though. =D

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