Friday, July 6, 2012

Too Many WIPs...

I have too many WIPs. It's irritating me. Even though no pressure exists, I feel like their incompleteness is my fault and it's stressing me out. I'm going to rectify this.

I (drunkenly) finished my CashTosh cap at Tommy's last night, so that's one down. I'm going to finish my first FO for the Handspun KAL today, and that will be two. Then I'll just have these (stupid boring) fingerless gloves that I'm just whipping up in garter from some LB Amazing, the Lauca cowl, and Liz's fingerless gloves that I need to frog and restart. And I really want to CO Tina's cowl too. I have to cake that yarn first, as well as hank a TON more yarn for dyeing.... I need to get dyeing again or I'll get swamped... ...that may be it. I can do this. I can. Writing it out will help. Which is the point. Yes?