Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Point Of View

I wasn't really planning on posting anything today because, let's be real, I'm EXHAUSTED lol. Towards the end of the festival today I was finally succumbing to what I believe to be a hardcore allergy attack. Headache, nausea... It may also have been a migrane, because the blinkiness of the sun between the trees on the drive home made me want to die. After some restorative English Afternoon tea & Digestives (God, but I love the Brits) I was recovered sufficiently to peruse my purchases and update my rav stash. I was more relaxed than I have been in... a while. I put on some music, Boyfriend was working (read: playing a game on the computer), and Bosco was observing me from the top of the couch where he likes to perch...

Bosco did come to investigate for a time, but as he has yet to get over his crippling fear of yarn, he did not make it very far before retreating to the couch again.

When I finished taking my pictures in the terrible, terrible overhead light of my apartment, I slid myself carefully up onto the couch and used Bosco as a pillow. He's very skittish and nervous about a lot of physical contact with us, but for some reason he doesn't mind it when I do this. I love it because it does show a certain level of... trust? Not sure what the best word would be. He can just be so terrified of us sometimes for no apparent reason, and as he is a rescue with a history unknown to use I imagine that's his right. Which is why it kind of means something to me that he lets me cuddle up to him that way. I was in such a relaxed, magnificently peaceful place, and then a new song came on.

Ever have one of those moments when you're just kind of in the zone? No zone in particular, just a zone, and the perfect song comes on to capture the moment? It might not even be a song you would have picked to encapsulate this little picture frame in time, but when you hear the lyrics, and I mean really hear them in that moment, it's like the hand of fate reached out and altered the shuffle on your music player of choice to provide you with the icing on the gooey brownie of that moment. I had that. And it was perfect.

I feel better when I paint my days
With purple seas and left-out greys
Strange is just a different point of view

Life moved and I stopped to taste it
I drank it up 'til it left me wasted
But my rains have bled a softer red
Oh, you should see
The world inside my head
                                   --"World Inside My Head", Sister Hazel, Before the Amplifiers

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