Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Freedom of the Blog

I swear I say this every time I "start" a blog, but I have confidence this time... Confidence and (I hope) fewer illusions about blogging grandeur. It may possibly also be that my persistent case of apathy towards pop culture is kicking in, though it's always hard to tell. I was in the thick of it during the height of Xanga madness but that was a personal journal kind of thing, a means of teenagers to connect and express themselves (at least in theory). The commercialism of it all has always both intrigued and annoyed me; people just get so <I>snotty</I> about their damn blogs sometimes! Maybe that's me being snotty though. After all, to doubt the veracity and worth of a work just because it may have been written from a smartphone makes me a hypocrite, n'est pas?

Because what I started to say was this: every time I start a blog or journal or chronicle of any kind, I always, <I>always</I>, be it a diary from the third grade or LiveJournal from college, promise myself I'm going to write faithfully. There were good chunks of time where I did, too. And I'm certain that, were I to go back through those volumes, most of the initial entries would read just like this one. Often, they were if not the last entry then one of only a handful before the inevitable end.

There's not really any obvious difference this time around. Just hope. And a feeling. The convergence of a few key factors. Work has slowed considerably since the madness and crushing insanity that is the summer at my office. There's finally "an app for that", one that actually seems to work. And... a feeling. It's probably about time. And so, here it is. My blog. Hopefully it'll mostly be about yarn and fibery pursuits (much like my hopes for life at the moment) but I'm not limiting myself to that. I find that I am much like a third grader not only in that I think farts are hilarious, but also that if I tell myself that I CANNOT do something, it makes it far more likely that either I'll do it anyway and feel bad after or that I'll just stop the activity altogether. So whatever. Yarn journal, vanity project, place to rant... I've given myself freedom to blog as the spirit moves me. Here's to hoping that it just keeps moving at all.  =)

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