Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Big Day Has Arrived!!

Finally, after months of deliberation and hard work, I'm ready to unveil my big news. I've spent months and hundreds of hours working on this, thinking, deliberating, brainstorming, doodling, daydreaming, and writing. And the news is... As of today, May 11, Yarn Monkey Productions is officially closed.

I came up with the Monkey when I was a senior in high school. It was cute, fun, & silly, and represented well what I was all about at the time. It was just a weekend thing, a justification for the crazy amount of yarn I bought and things I was knitting, an excuse to learn new skills, to experiment, to expand my horizons. Eventually, I took on other skills like dyeing and spinning and was able to really expand as my vision for what this company could be grew.

The past couple of years though I've become discontent.  I want more - more from my craft, more for my business, more of this in my life. The end goal  - a brick-and-mortar business - has morphed over time as I thought more and more about what I really wanted, what I could see myself doing for the rest of my life,  I came to realize that in this grand picture of where I'm headed there was no room for Yarn Monkey as a brand.  I needed something new.

This something is what I've been spending the overwhelming majority of my waking moments on. I've been eating, sleeping, breathing, dreaming about rebranding my business for months. And now I get to share it with everyone!

I'd like to introduce you to MollyGirl, where fiber rocks!

As you may or may not know, my background is in the music industry. I worked at a number of New York City venues all through college in all sorts of capacities. I love live music - few things bring people together like a live show. And while it might be less mainstream, the fiber arts bring people together too, in very similar ways. In my mind these two art forms aren't disparate in the slightest; they simply haven't been brought together yet. 

Right now, MollyGirl is still small. Our internet shop will be packed full of yarn, handknits, accessories, and who knows what else. I plan on doing as many shows as possible, and eventually (hopefully) I'll be able to take this on full time. That's the immediate goal.

The long term goal is greater - a physical place where people can come together. There will be yarn, fiber, tea, and music. There will be songs and knits and community.  The fiber arts have historically revolved around social gatherings - why not now? I don't know when or where or exactly how this place will come into being.  Knitting shop + coffee house + small music venue...  It might sound crazy, but in my mind, it's beautiful.
So YMP isn't really gone. It's just stepped aside and made way for a new leading lady. Hopefully by the time you're reading this I've changed YMP listings over to their new MollyGirl names. All the things you loved in YMP's shop have simply relocated over to the new MollyGirl shop. They might not all be up just yet, but I'm working on it, I promise. Yarns & colors have new names,  but they're the same great products. We'll also shortly be releasing patterns on Ravelry and starting our fabulous kickoff raffle so you should head on over to Facebook and get involved in that. We've launched our new website too, and we'll be announcing shows as soon as we get them confirmed.

I'm SO EXCITED to FINALLY be sharing this all with you! We have a whole new look but everything is as you've come to expect - high quality at an awesome price. This has been such a labor of love, and I'm looking forward to continuing to expand my fibery horizons with you!

Much love,

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