Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A New New Leaf

Finally, the holiday madness has subsided in its entirety and I'm feeling like myself. Not entirely well, of course, because with the temperature swinging from one end of the spectrum to the other every four days my allergies & sinuses are extremely unhappy. But just gotta take it in stride.

I've been knitting my buttski off, but with stuff (by and large) that I want to make, which is nice after all the Christmas madness. I think I made... 24 Christmas gifts? I actually finished them up a few days before Christmas too, which as never, never, notinthehistoryoftheuniverse happened to me. I was irrationally giddy about it.

Now I'm just looking towards the future, getting stuff ready for the show season to come, dyeing and experimenting with new colorways, bases, etc. I put my Christmas money towards a spinning wheel too! It's small, a Fidelis wheel from Heavenly Handspinning, but it works well and I'm practicing a little every day. Not as good as with my spindle by a long shot but I'll get there. Until then all I can do is practice. I do really wish I had gotten a double treadle, but that's my only regret. And I'm sure this won't be my last wheel, so it's something I know for next time.

I was on a roll with blogging before, but I'm hoping I can be more involved starting now. I've got a lot going on - I've started Weight Watchers (and lost 9 pounds!), I'm making an effort to cook more and make new recipes, and I may be getting involved with a local community theatre troupe after a long hiatus - in addition to my knitting. I want to start releasing patterns too, challenge myself to get more involved in design work. And I'm going to need somewhere to write about that, right? I hope you'll read along, and feel free to leave me comments!

Much love in the new year,

My first FO of 2013! A Kindle paperwhite cozy! Anyone interested in seeing a pattern like this?

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