Monday, February 4, 2013

The Worst of Me

Ah, Superbowl Sunday. As usual, I ignored it in its entirety. Not 100% intentional, I simply forgot about it and made other plans. When asked how I could forget, didn't Boyfriend remind me? I simply explained that my boyfriend likes math and dice games; I'm lucky he knows the Superbowl is a football game.

I spent the weekend with guilty pleasures: The Sims 3 & the Bachelor. And knitting, of course, though I wouldn't consider that a guilty pleasure. I started & finished a cowl with some of Cephalopod Yarn's Beastie. It's beautiful, although I have to say I wasn't overly impressed with the yarn itself. I adore merino/alpaca/silk blents, but honestly if I hadn't read the label I wouldn't have realized that's what it was. It doesn't even feel like merino to me. I'm hoping that it'll bloom & soften a bit with washing, so I'm waiting on it to dry before I make my final judgement. Started another cowl, this one out of some Mal Chunky, today based off a pattern from one of my many stitch dictionaries. I love stitch dictionaries, they're the most useful texts a serious knitter can own. I really need to collect Barbara Walker's volumes, because it seems like every other dictionary is a rehashing of her work, though that is a purchase that will have to wait.

The Sims is one of my biggest weaknesses ever, and has been for years. Which is sad, because it's essentially a bug-ridden, money-eating timesink... but I can't give it up. It's just too funny. TBoyfriend caught me watching it and was like, "Oh lord, WHY are you watching the BACHELOR?!?!" My answers, in this order were:

  1. because Scott & Todd (the morning radio dj's on 95.5, who I've faithfully listened to every weekday morning that I've ever driven anywhere) make fun of it.
  2. it's actually frightening how addictive it is, and also how hilarious it is. Seriously. I think my family watched the first season of the Bachelor (just for reference, this is Season 17, not including the Bachelorette seasons) when it was on tv because it was new and exciting and I was probably 12 or 13, and I've avoided it ever since. But talk about a guilty pleasure. Seriously. You can't script this stuff. One girl talks about kicking the crap out of other girls who get in her way, and "falls" down the stairs, pitches temper tantrums when she doesn't get 1-on-1 dates, and according to the "Next Week On The Bachelor" vignette, appears to get chased by a wild animal, fall into some icy water, and give herself hypothermia. All I have to say is this: Bitches be trippin'.
  3. it makes me appreciate you [Boyfriend] ever so much more.

A fourth answer, which arose later, is it's an excellent show to watch whilst I spin, because I don't have to really watch it. As long as I can hear the insane word vomit that is this show, I can follow. I'm not proud of either of these pasttimes, not like I am of my continued love for Pokemon, but there they are. That's the worst of me. The Sims 3 and some horrifying reality television are my only real vices. Some people might think that I ought to include my overwhelming stash of yarn in this list, but we all know I really need that to live so it doesn't qualify as a vice, right? ....right?

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